kids sport

How To Keep Kids Motivated To Play Sport

By: Dr Justin Coulson

In some circles, junior sport has become a hotbed of competition and comparison. The push to “do your best” starts early. Kids want to win and they put pressure on themselves to beat their competitors. But often there is downward pressure from parents and even coaches (who, let’s face it, are often just enthusiastic parents themselves).

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hot dog buns

Grain and Gluten Free Hot Dog Buns

By: Susan Joy

These hot dog buns came about after I received a message from a mum. Her daughter needed a grain and gluten free bun that looked like other kids buns for when she went to parties. I’ve used yeast to help create a soft-centred bun (choose a yeast without additives, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the type for baking bread). They are perfect to cradle your hot dog or sausage in.

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