By Hope 103.2
After the tragic death by suicide of 14-year-old Northern Territory girl Amy ‘Dolly’ Everett, Kids Helpline has reminded Australians to keep an eye out for signs of bullying.
By Hope 103.2
After the tragic death by suicide of 14-year-old Northern Territory girl Amy ‘Dolly’ Everett, Kids Helpline has reminded Australians to keep an eye out for signs of bullying.
By: Clare Bruce
It was November 24 in 1992, when Queen Elizabeth II famously described the year just gone, as an ‘annus horribillus’ – a Latin term meaning horrible year.
A separation, a divorce, a scandalous affair and a fire at Windsor Castle, had all rocked the royal family over the 11 months before the Queen’s speech, and only weeks after the speech, Prince Charles and Princess Diana separated.
By: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House
A Brigidine Nun from Canberra has expressed serious concern for the health and welbeing of 600 refugees and asylum seekers who, after 4 years on Manus Island, seem no closer to any hope of resettlement than when they were first sent there.
By: Clare Bruce
The head of a leading Christian media outlet has called on ‘No voters’ to accept Australia’s democratic ‘Yes’ for same sex marriage, with good spirit and grace.
By: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House
World Vision’s Tim Costello has visited many of the world’s most critical humanitarian disasters.
Yet even he was unprepared for the refugee camps hastily constructed in Bangladesh for the Rohingya people fleeing from the continuing conflict in Myanmar.
By: Clare Bruce
If there’s one expert Australia needs to hear from right now in the heat of painful national debates, it’s a Peacemaker.
By: Clare Bruce
After months of national debate over marriage law, many relationships across Australia are suffering, and in need of some healing.
By Clare Bruce
If there’s one thing the Marriage Law debate has achieved, it’s division. Australians have pointed fingers and labelled each other, and many of us need to re-learn how to live in harmony with our neighbours.
By: Clare Bruce
An Aboriginal elder says a change to Australia’s marriage law would damage indigenous family structures handed down over millennia.
By: Steve McAlpine | Freedom for Faith
Last year’s census in Australia (remember all the hoo-hah?) contained for the first time the option of ticking “no religion”. And plenty of us did. The statistics show that one third of the nation ticked that particular box. The number will surely rise at the next census.