Dannah Gresh shares the importance of helping your daughter gain body confidence, instead of body consciousness.
Shining a Positive Light on Down Syndrome
One man shares his struggle with alcoholism and parenting a son with Down Syndrome.
12 fundamentals every 12 year old needs to know
By: Rachel Doherty | Tweens 2 Teen
A 12 year old is just on the cusp of becoming a teenager which means parents have a few more months to make sure the fundamentals are in place to help them transition to adulthood and survive the roller coaster ride ahead.
When Are Kids Old Enough to Take Public Transport Alone
By: Rachel Doherty | Tweens 2 Teen
Having your child use public transport for the first time without you is one of those moments that can creep up on a parent. To work out when the time is right, I’m sharing a simple parenting rule.
We’re All Just Making It Up As We Go Along (Even This ‘Parenting Expert’)
By: Dr Justin Coulson | Happy Families
Have you read The Barefoot Investor? It was the number 1 non-fiction book in Australia last year – all about finance. In his introduction to the book Scott Pape, the author, describes the day his family lost their Victorian bushland home to a fire. As they surveyed the damage, he said his first thought was: “I’ve got this.” He knew that despite the drama, he had his financial security sorted and could get his family through.
The Five Essential Ingredients for a Great School Lunchbox
By: Clare Bruce
If you’re daunted by the prospect of another year of school lunch-making, these tips from nutritionist and dietitian Cindy Williams will help get you inspired.
10 Steps to Reducing Sibling Conflict
I don’t remember who said it first but the best way to stop sibling rivalry and sibling squabbles is… to not have siblings.
Too late?
Me, Myself and I: The Self-Centred World of Teens
By: Rachel Doherty
Teenagers have a reputation for being selfish, but it’s better for parents to see this behaviour as self-centred instead.
7 Ways to Really Listen so Your Child Shares More
Dear Dr Justin,
My husband and my 9 year-old son are constantly fighting. It’s little niggles here and there. But it is non stop. They are constantly talking past each other and he (my husband) has started getting really angry. How can we make things better between them?