In March 2020 Western Australia shut its borders. While there may be well-meaning policies behind the border closures, there’s no escaping the fact that this decision has irrevocably changed people’s lives – especially for fly-in-fly-out (FIFO) families.
Helping Our Children Through Dark, Difficult Days
Dear Dr Justin, my husband has tried to take his own life twice in the past six weeks. He is now in hospital receiving care but I’ve just told the kids he’s dealing with some emotional problems and needs special help.
9 Practical Ways to Support Anxious Kids Return to School
By: Collett Smart
The relaxing and lifting of restrictions in schools makes it sound like we’re on our way back to normal, yet ‘normal’ is a long way off. And our children know it.
My Child is Struggling Because Everything Is Being Cancelled
We’re living in unprecedented times. Offices are shut, streets are increasingly empty, and some people are locking themselves away. The uncertainty that we are grappling with is challenging enough for us as adults, but it’s also hard on our children.
Anxious Motherhood: My Ducks Were In A Row
I knew it in my gut I wanted to be a mum. In fact, pre-kids I used to say I wanted five children!
Christians With Anxiety? It’s More Common Than You Think
By: Clare Bruce
According to Beyond Blue, anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia, and it’s experienced by over 2 million adults across the nation each year.
How to Ease Back to School Anxiety
I’m sure there really are kids out there who are excited about heading back to school after the summer holidays. But I don’t know any of them.
Can Mindfulness Calm My Child?
Mindfulness has become one of the buzzwords of the past decade. Mindfulness is receiving hype by in corporations, educational institutions, psychologist’s offices, fitness centres, and increasingly in our family homes. In fact, mindfulness in families is becoming almost essential. And for good reason.
Rewire Your Brain to Fight Anxiety
By: Carolyn McCulley
Training our brains to battle anxiety through minor troubles develops emotional stamina to endure harder times.
Fear and Anxiety in Children: What's Normal, and What's Not
In a young child’s world, so much is new and unfamiliar. When you consider a toddler’s inexperience, coupled with their limited reasoning skills, it’s easy to understand why a toddler might react in fear to a host of benign, everyday things.