5 Steps to Understanding Your Dreams

By: Tania Harris | God Conversations

A first century rabbi once said; “A dream uninterpreted is a letter unopened.” Imagine if the Creator God had sent you a letter – a message that answered your question, gave you vision for the future or provided some insight into your current situation. But it’s sitting there in the letterbox, unopened and unread, while you’re still praying in frustration, wondering why God hasn’t spoken…

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Truths to Hold When the Path Gets Tough: The Resilience Creed

By: Sheridan Voysey

Tony Horsfall is a UK-based writer, retreat leader and spiritual director. His books include Spiritual Growth in a Time of Change, Deep Calls to Deep and the best-selling Rhythms of Grace, and he hosts the annual Spiritual Mentoring Forum. Tony’s next book project will be on the theme of resilience.

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