By: Michael Crooks
While deployed in the Middle East, Haydn Lea felt a calling from a much higher rank.
By: Michael Crooks
While deployed in the Middle East, Haydn Lea felt a calling from a much higher rank.
By: Sabrina Peters
If you think God can’t use you, open your Bible and be reminded he can use anyone!
By: Sheridan Voysey
In his famous poem The Four Quartets, TS Elliott says “We had the experience, but missed the meaning.” How true!
By: Michael McQueen
One of the most valuable lessons this year has taught us is that the life we were living pre-COVID isn’t necessarily the one we are seeking post-COVID. Though we have been longing for life to get ‘back to normal’ since the pandemic hit, there are many parts of the old normal that we would do well to leave behind.
By: Sheridan Voysey
Pick up a typical self-help book and it probably won’t be long before the author tells you to Follow your dreams. As a dreamer, I love this advice. But if you were to ask my friend about hers, she’d struggle to tell you.
By: Sheridan Voysey
Whenever I speak on dreams someone will inevitably put up their hand and ask, ‘What if you don’t have any dreams for your life? How can you find one?’
By: Laura Bennett
As we hit the halfway mark on 2020, it’s a year that’s looked nothing like many would have hoped or dreamed. In fact, it’s been a pretty crummy way to ‘embark on a whole new decade’ but, like any unforeseen situation, it can end up reorienting us and paving the way for a new (and oftentimes better) road ahead.
By: Sheridan Voysey
Sometimes I’m surprised at what I get nostalgic about. Recently I was reminiscing about the way in-flight entertainment used to be done on planes.
By: Sheridan Voysey
One autumn morning not long ago, I walked to an Oxford cafe, took a window table on the third floor, and pulled out my journal.