Backyard BBQ calling but work is getting in the way? Let’s find our balance.


By: Robert Garrett

Take a bow Australia. According to a 2018 study of 21 OECD countries, Australian parents are world leaders when it comes to spending time with their children. The average Aussie parents spend 4 hours a day with their kids, far more than parents in other parts of the developed world.

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What Teens Can Learn From Making A Phone Call Instead Of Texting

By: Robert Garrett

“Just pick up the phone and call them!”  I say to my teenagers. They’ve texted one or more of their friends to make plans, and all other activity is suspended as they wait impatiently for a response. It seems they would rather endure the frustration of waiting than having a verbal conversation with a friend.

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Mother’s Day: The Most Important Thing a Father Can Do Is…

By: Robert Garrett

‘The most important thing a father can do for his children is…’ How would you finish this sentence? Perhaps you might say, ‘to give them a quality education’, ‘to set them up financially’, ‘to introduce them to as many extra-curricular activities as possible (sport/music/arts etc.) or maybe ‘to provide them with a good moral compass’.

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Teaching Your Kids About Debt, Gratification & Priorities

By: Robert Garrett

Teaching your kids financial skills is one way to set them up for their future. Australian households owe $2.34trillion (as at March 2018), the second highest level of household debt in the world; only Switzerland has more. In 2016 around one third of Australian households were classified as ‘over-indebted’.

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How to Help Kids Process Grief


By: Robert Garrett

When I was 7, my mum passed away. It wasn’t until some 30 years after the fact, that I was finally able to talk about her without ending up in tears. The impact of unresolved grief, particularly on the developing brain (which already functions in a highly emotive state in teenagers), can have long-term implications. I’ve known adults still struggling decades after a tragic event in their childhood.

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Screen Time, Digital Wellbeing & Priorities

By: Robert Garrett

New technology releases have a habit of introducing a bunch of new, ‘must have’ functions that are solutions to problems we never knew we had. However, Apple’s latest mobile operating system – iOS 12 has an interesting new function called Screen Time.

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