Is Your Daughter a Victim of Gaslighting?

By: Collett Smart

‘Gaslighting’ means to manipulate a person into doubting their own sanity, through psychological means. It is a calculated tactic which sees the abuser gain more power and makes the victim question their reality. Gaslighting can happen in toxic friendships too, but for the sake of this article, I am referring to romantic relationships.

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Greg Attwells On Worship And Empowering Women [Audio]

By: Justin Rouillon

Sydney singer songwriter Greg Attwells has collaborated with Karl Faase for the second season of ‘Jesus the Game Changer’. The series is produced by Faase’s Olive Tree Media, and is a multi-episode documentary series, with a selection of episodes made available to churches to run as a special content feature in church life. 

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Take a Moment Monday: Check in With Yourself

By: Elaine Fraser

If today was the last day of your life, what would you change?

When Elizabeth Gilbert quoted an older friend who said that every thoughtful woman, every ten years, should take some time to be alone with herself, in order to re-examine the direction of her own life, and to decide if any alterations need to be made, it made an impression on me.

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