About theLight Albury Wodonga
Welcome to 98.3 theLight Albury Wodonga.
98.3 theLight is a Christian radio station that serves the Albury Wodonga region. Your station is focused on broadcasting Music With Meaning and is dedicated to supporting the local community. We provide local and relevant information to promote connection and community while delivering high-quality content that can be enjoyed by the entire family.
98.3 The Light is directed by Albury Wodonga Christian Broadcasters Incorporated (AWCB Inc.) The members of AWCB Inc. have the privilege of voting annually for the Committee Of Management (COM aka The Board), a passionate group of volunteers from the membership who live, work and play in and around Albury Wodonga. The COM hold key positions in AWCB Inc. and oversees the appointment of key employees and volunteers. AWCB Inc., through 98.3 theLight in Albury Wodonga, is committed to serving our community with excellence and dedication. You can become a member today, click here to find out more information.
theLight is supported by people just like you. We deeply appreciate the financial support of our community, including local individuals, businesses, and churches. Your generous contributions to this local ministry enable your station to continue to provide hope and a perspective on life that can only be found in one place: Jesus. We cannot thank you our supporters enough for your unwavering support. We are committed to maintaining our mission of playing Music With Meaning, and we look forward to continuing this vital ministry. For more information on financial support for theLight, please visit our Support page
If you have supported us in the past, Thank you! You are a vital part of what we do.
- In the early 1990s AWCB was set up by our founding members Paul Dickinson, Neil Keating, David James, and many others. The main purpose, to set up and maintain a Christian Radio station in Albury Wodonga. With equipment gather by Paul, test broadcasting started as 101.7 Rhema FM.
- In 1999, AWCB Inc. applied for a 5-year long-term license for 101.7MHz. Later that year, we were informed that AWCB was unsuccessful.
- In 2005 the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) issued a Temporary Broadcasting License (TBL) to AWCB Inc.. theLight began its transmission on 28 May 2006 under this Temporary Broadcast License as 100.7 theLight and applied for a new TBL each year as needed.
- The Federal government announced the introduction of a new dedicated ABC News service in 2008, this meant the allocation of a new frequency on 98.5MHz, and we became 98.5 theLight.
- In November 2013 the ACMA asked for applicants for a Long-Term 5 year license of the frequency 98.5 MHz. This change would move the frequency from a temporary 12-month licence to the next level. AWCB Inc. made its application.
- In January 2014 the ACMA informed AWCB Inc. of our success in gaining a Long-Term 5 year License on 98.5 MHz.
- In October 2014 AWCB inc. made application to ACMA to change the Local Area Plan (LAP) and our Technical Operating Conditions (TOC). This increase in area and increase in power will allow a larger broadcast area with better transmission locations such as Huon Hill or One Tree Hill (Red Light Hill).
- This application for our transmission upgrade was delayed for several years due to higher-priority infrastructure upgrades for remote mobile phone towers, which were needed due to natural disasters and fires.
- AWCB contacted ACMA in 2019 to request an update and timeframe for our application. With the answer 12 to 18 months.
- In 2021, the ACMA approved our application to increase our broadcast footprint and power. They allocated the frequency 98.3 MHz to our new service.
- In 2022 a grant application made to CBF for new transmission equipment was made and latter announced as successful.
- Also 2022 New transmission tower site was identified on One Tree Hill (Red Light Hill) to the north of Albury and negotiations with the tower owner started.
- In October 2023, brand-new transmission equipment, fully funded through community donations and a CBF grant, was installed at the transmission site on One Tree Hill in readiness for the changeover to transmit on the new frequency of 98.3 MHz.
- Although we had approval to make these changes, we needed to apply for the license change. In early 2024, we awaited the final approval from the ACMA to start transmission on 98.3 MHz.
- The final licensing for the new frequency came through on Tuesday 20th February 2024. There were still some issues, the license didn’t allow us to transmit on simulcast on 98.5MHz and 98.3MHz at the same time. More waiting…
- On Friday, 1st March 2024, with all the approvals licensing and equipment in place, the path was clear for theLight to start 0n 98.3MHz
- After 9 years and 5 months since making the original application to change and improve our broadcast signal, we were able to start.
At 10:03 am on Wednesday, 6th March 2024, we began broadcasting on 98.3MHz the new home of theLight in Albury Wodonga.
Welcome 98.3 theLight Albury Wodonga.
Now broadcasting to
Springdale Heights
Table Top
Lake Hume
Staghorn Flat
Allans Flat
Indigo Valley
Walla Walla
We have limited coverage in
The Rock
Southern parts of Wagga
Keiwa Valley
Mount Beauty

Our Team
As elected at the last Annual Meeting of Albury Wodonga Christian Broadcasters Incorporated.
Officers Of The Association
President – Bruce Hogan
Vice President – Brad Stratton
Treasurer – Barry Membrey
Secretary [Public Officer] – David James
Ordinary Members
Janelle Stratton
Karen Perris
Phil Podmore
Matthew Hogan
Carl Booth
David Oates
Program producer, Husband, Dad, All round good guy.
Presenter: Saturday Mornings On theLight, 7:00 am to 10:00 am.
David brings a fun easy start to the weekend while taking the kids sport, starting with a sleep in or heading to those weekend activities.
Lauren Van Wyk
Program producer.
Presenter: Sunday mornings On theLight, 8:00am to 9:30pm Sunday.
Lauren loves to find and share the gospel all while very best in today’s Praise & Worship plays in song.
Colin Tarrant
Program producer.
Presenter: Sunday Evenings On theLight, 9:00pm Sundays.
Colin has a wealth of understanding of bible topics and how it speaks into the issues of life we all face. Colin links these topics with a musical playlist within the same topical theme.
Con Despinidic
Sunday Worship.
Presenter: Sunday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Rev. Con Despinidic was the senior minister at Wollongong Congregational Church for 11 years before retiring he also served as a minister for over 30 years. His wealth of biblical knowledge culminates in the weekly themes that he leads listeners though each Sunday.
Richard Campbell
The Weather Guy.
Presenter: Monday – Saturday
Richard brings up to date weather forecast for the border every hour from 6:00 am in the morning till 5:00 pm and Capital city forecast on the half hour from 6:30 am- 9:30 am and 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm each weekday.
The Rules that keep theLight Albury Wodonga on track
Our actions are governed by ourRules of Association (Amended February 2022) and policies, as well as relevant laws and regulations, including the Broadcasting Services Act (1992) and the Community Broadcasters Code of Practice. Our policies are available on request, see below.
Statement of Faith
We believe:
(i) that the 66 books of the Bible are the Word of God, divinely inspired in all parts1 without error in its origin2 and the sole authority for doctrine and practice3;
(ii) in the one Triune God4, eternally existent as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit5, who created the physical universe and man in His own image, by His direct and immediate spoken word6 during the six days of creation7;
(iii) that Satan is a real personality8 and an evil presence in the world;
(iv) in the pre existence9, incarnation, virgin birth10, sinless nature and life11, miracles12, substitutionary death13, bodily resurrection14, ascension to heaven15, and personal bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ16;
(v) in the total depravity of the nature of man17 and the entrance of death into the world through his fall in the Garden of Eden18, and the absolute inability of man to save himself from eternal punishment by his own works19.
(vi) in the regeneration of man by the grace of God20 and the work of the Holy Spirit21, with salvation from sin being available to whoever comes to Christ through faith in His finished work on the cross22;
(vii) in the spiritual relationship of all believers with the Lord Jesus Christ23 and witnessing to His saving grace24 and living a life of good works25 and service, through the ministry of the Holy Spirit26.
(i) 12 Tim 3:16-17; 2Psalm 19:7-9; 3Matt 7:21; 7:24; James 1:22-25;
(ii) 4Isaiah 45:5; 1 Cor 8:4; 5Matt 28:19-20; John 1:18; 10:30; 6Gen 1:1-27; 7Gen 1:1; 1:31;
(iii) 8Rev 12:7-9;
(iv) 9John 1:1; 10Luke 1:30-35; 11Luke 4:1-13; 12Luke 4:40; 131 Peter 2:24; Rom 5:18-19; 14Acts 2:24; 1 Cor 15:3-5; 15Acts 2:29-36; 16Mark 13:26; Acts 1:9-11; Rev 19:11-16;
(v) 17Rom 7:5; 18Rom 5:12; 19Eph 2:8-9; Psalm 127:1-2;
(vi) 20John 3:3-8; Rom 6:1-11; 211 Peter 1:1-2; 22Acts 26:17; Eph 2:8; 1 Peter 1:3;
(vii) 23Rom 8:17; 24Eph 6:10-20; 25 Eph 2:10; John 14:12-1`3; 261 Cor 12:4-7.
Public Documents
Community Broadcasters Code of Practice
Policies available for download
> Membership
> Community participation
> Programming
> Volunteering
> Sponsorship
> Corporate governance
> Internal conflict
> Complaints handling
> Strategic Plan
> Organisational Chart
> Rules of Association (Amended February 2022)
Policies are available via request through our Contact Us page. Click here