When a Loved One is Struggling With Addiction

By: Focus On The Family

All people have the potential to be mastered by a life-controlling problem and pulled into the downward spiral of an addiction.

In this podcast we discuss what can be done if someone you know may be struggling with an addiction. Our guest is Malcolm Smith, the founder of the Teen Challenge Rehabilitation Centre in Western Australia.

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Aussie Spread Recipe (Vegemite Alternative)

By: Susan Joy | The JOYful Table

 Why would I make a homemade “Aussie Spread” recipe? I can hear you say, what about store-bought black spreads? Most of us would be able to sing the TV ad ‘We’re happy little Vegemites, as bright as bright can be, we all enjoy our Vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea‘. 

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Being Scared but Doing It Anyway

By: Yvette Cherry

As the Worship Ministry Coordinator in my church, it is often my job to lead the church on Sunday when we sing together. I have been doing this for many years now- maybe 15 or so years, first at night and then in the morning services.

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Radical Wonder

By: Elaine Fraser

Awareness of the divine begins with wonder – Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

I sit in a café and watch a little girl play with her toys. ‘Wow!’  Her voice is filled with wonder. She’s focused, she’s smiling, and her eyes are filled with amazement.

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