How to Get Your Kids Ready for Schoolies Week

By: Rachel Doherty | Tweens 2 Teen

Schoolies Week has become a rite of passage in Australia for kids leaving high school. But the stories of alcohol, drugs, fights and crazy stunts worries many parents. Getting the attitude of teenagers right before they go can help to keep them safe.

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Attack of the Pear

By: Laura Bennett

Pear /pɛː/ noun A green, spotty, funny-shaped fruit that doesn’t taste good unless combined with walnuts and balsamic vinegar.

Pear-shaped / adjective Lumpy, bottom-heavy, kinda weird, not ideal.

Sometimes life goes truly pear-shaped.

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The Vocabulary of the Persuasive Leader

By: Michael McQueen

In the mid-1800s, vast tracts of land in central Australia were granted to immigrants who had, in many cases, just arrived from Europe. These farmers and pastoralists found themselves with a challenge – they were now in control of expanses of land that were, in some cases, almost as large as the countries they had just come from.

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The Gift and the Dirt Cup

By: Duncan Robinson

Imagine that you walk through life carrying two things in your hands. In one hand is a gift, perfectly wrapped and finished with a bow. The wrapping paper is ornate and intricate. The precision in which it has been wrapped makes it simply marvelous to look at.

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Pot Set Vanilla Coconut Yoghurt

By: Susan Joy | The JOYful Table

Serves: 300ml 2 serves | Prep Time: 00:30 | Cooking Time: 00:08

My Pot Set Vanilla Coconut yoghurt will surprise you, so much yummier than store bought, with no additives, just a fraction of the price and it’s surprisingly easy to make.

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Jon Foreman: Why I Refuse to Hate the Haters

By: Laura Bennett

In the wake of tragedy and political upheaval, we often find ourselves leaning towards celebrities for words of comfort, for rally cries and condolences.

Social media makes it easier than ever for the artist, the actor, or the musician to reach out to their fans – conversely, it almost insists a sort of responsibility to the celebrity.

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Focusing on Friction

By: Michael McQueen

Innovation is often thought of in terms of creation and invention – coming up with new ideas and new solutions. However, working with clients in recent months I have discovered that often the most powerful forms of innovation are more subtle.

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