Act Justly and Love Mercy

By: yesHEis

God has shown us over and over through the scriptures and the person of Jesus that he cares deeply about each individual, especially those who are overlooked or mistreated.

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Why Women Need to Learn in Quietness and Submission

By: Tania Harris | God Conversations

Not every Christian believes that I should be leading a ministry or that I should even be an ordained pastor. The church I grew up in believed that church leadership should always be male. The reason I am in ministry today was due to a number of God Conversations that called me to revisit on the interpretation of Scripture I’d grown up with.

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Wear Hope-Coloured Glasses

By: yesHEis

It’s easy to become distracted and forget that people matter most. They matter more than our busy lives and more than our goals and our dreams. While we exist for God’s pleasure, we experience purpose by caring and loving others. The question is, how do we keep people as the priority amidst so many distractions?

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