Ban on Bible Sales in China to be Reinforced

By: Anne Rinaudo

China’s government last week issued a ban on internet sales of the Bible. Beijing also issued its first white paper on religious freedom in 21 years. There is a long-standing rule that the Bible cannot be sold publicly or on the internet in China but oversight of this rule has been allowed to slide over the years.

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Slavery Couldn’t Silence Christian Music

By: Anne Rinaudo

The black American experience of slavery is a key factor in the development of popular music. African slaves in America’s southern states were subject to incalculable injustice and oppression. However, that shameful period in history was the source of many music genres.

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How Do We Explain?

By: Rodney Olsen

Looking across a couple of news websites I’ve seen a common theme.

“How do I explain this to my 10-year-old son?”

“I was ashamed to explain to my nine-year-old son that we had planned to cheat.”

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