How Did Air Travel Become Such a Drag?

By: Sam Chan

My friend has to catch a plane for work.

And it’s a drag.

Get to the airport. Go through security. Sit in a cramped seat next to a stranger. And do it all again at the other end.

It’s worse than commuting by bus.

But hang on! What are we saying?

For thousands of years humankind has been trying to fly. But now that we can do it, we’re wishing we don’t have to do it?

That means one day when we travel by laser beam, or fly to Mars, or cure the common cold, we’ll still be underwhelmed by it.

Our greatest need isn’t for more comfort, or toys, or inventions.

Our greatest need is eternal life.

Jesus once met a man who had everything. But he lacked one thing: Jesus!

Jesus is better than whatever we think will make us happy. Only Jesus can give us what our heart desires.

An aisle seat with no-one next to it.

Nope. Not even Jesus can do that. But he can give us eternal life instead.

About the Author: Sam is a theologian, preacher, author, evangelist, ethicist, cultural analyst and medical doctor.

Article supplied with thanks to Espresso Theology.

Feature image: Photo by Daniel McCullough on Unsplash