By: Fred Porter
Porn. I hate porn. I think it’s one of the biggest tools of the enemy in our current time. The amount of people viewing it is alarming.
By: Fred Porter
Porn. I hate porn. I think it’s one of the biggest tools of the enemy in our current time. The amount of people viewing it is alarming.
By: Clare Bruce
If someone you know battles an addiction, it’s probably covering up some deep-seated wound or emotional pain they don’t know how to face.
By: Sabrina Peters
My name is Sabrina and I’m an addict. Not a day goes by that I don’t need a ‘hit’. It’s the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do at night. It’s not even intentional. It’s a habit, an urge, a subconscious obsession. I’m embarrassed to admit it but I’m a social media junkie!
By: Sam Chan
The Fortnite dance is a legit cultural phenom. Just google it. Even the Houston Astros’ celebratory dance is a Fortnite Dance. My favourite is where professional dancers try to mimic the Fortnite dances.
All people have the potential to be mastered by a life-controlling problem and pulled into the downward spiral of an addiction.
In this podcast we discuss what can be done if someone you know may be struggling with an addiction. Our guest is Malcolm Smith, the founder of the Teen Challenge Rehabilitation Centre in Western Australia.
By: Sheridan Voysey
Well, our new puppy Rupert Reginald McScruffy is proving popular with the public. People stop me in the street to pat him. Facebook friends love his videos. At this rate he’ll be finding himself an agent, getting promo shots done, and forgetting to return my calls.