If you have spent any time with me or read any of my writing, you will discover pretty quickly that workaholic tendencies, perfectionism, and taking on too much at once are things I struggle with.
How Learning to Say ‘No’ Can Create a More Meaningful Christmas
By: Kourtney Smith
As the festive season approaches, many of us find ourselves caught in a whirlwind of activities, commitments, and obligations.
Busting Unhealthy Boundaries and Barriers
None of us enjoy limitations. None of us like to be hemmed in and controlled.
Are Parental Controls Really That Effective?
Dear Dr Justin, a few weeks ago we found our ten-year-old son looking at an explicit website on his iPad. He says he found it accidentally when he was looking for games and we believe him.
What is the Best Way to Say ‘No!’ To Your Kids?
Hi Dr Justin, I hate saying no to my kids. I keep softening up, getting talked around, giving in. I’m getting walked all over. How do I set limits and still feel like I’m being a good mum?
The Danger of Emotional Affairs
Jake has been married to Kim for four years and feels good about how their relationship is going, except for their lack of time together. He admits his job is keeping him away, but he wants the promotion that’s coming up.