By: Justin Rouillon
Sheppard have announced the release of ‘Phoenix’, a song dedicated to victims of the Australian bushfires, which aims to raise money for those affected by the disasters.
By: Justin Rouillon
Sheppard have announced the release of ‘Phoenix’, a song dedicated to victims of the Australian bushfires, which aims to raise money for those affected by the disasters.
By: Clare Bruce
While emergency services and charities are responding to Australia’s relentless bushfire crisis in practical ways, there’s another army working quietly to meet peoples’ emotional and spiritual needs: the chaplains.
The ongoing bushfires around Australia are extraordinary. We’ve all seen them. Too many have experienced them or had close encounters, either personally or through a friend or loved one.
By: Clare Bruce
If you’re an Aussie, and you haven’t been been traumatised yet by the current bushfire season, you probably someone you know has.
By: Clare Bruce
Dad and father-of-four Andrew Flaxman is lucky – or blessed – to be alive, along with his wife, four kids and his sister’s family of five – who were all rescued by boat in the middle of a firestorm on New Year’s Eve.
By: Clare Bruce
After seeing the bushfire devastation many have suffered, Australians are now asking how they can help. Below is a list of some of the charities that are welcoming support to help those affected.