By: Brian Harris
In our FOMO world, saying yes to new opportunities is the new normal.
By: Helping Hands TV
“A good leader,” says Mark Jones, Chief Storyteller at the ImpactInstitute, “has a very clear picture of the future, a strong vision, and you’re able to bring people along on the journey.”
Pause and think, for just a moment, of the most excellent person you have ever met…
What made them so “excellent”?
Is it possible to create an inventory of their attributes; the characteristics of excellence they embody?
Aristotle said…
By: Akos Balogh
Dear Ben and Archie*,
You may have noticed the many stories in the news about how lots of women have been hurt by men. Women like Grace Tame, Brittany Higgins, and many others. It’s been sad to watch their pain.
When my youngest daughter was around 18 months old we shared an experience that taught me a valuable lesson about how our attitude is everything.
By: Robert Garrett
It has been said that character is ‘who you are when no one is watching’; it’s those things that we do in private, not for the praise or recognition from others, or conversely, for fear of being caught out.
By: Sabrina Peters
God is far more interested in who we are when no one’s looking, than the image we present to others. Character always trumps reputation. Our character is the sum of our values, our thoughts, our words and our actions.