The God Who Bends Down

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

The Bible was written in a polytheistic culture: a culture which believed that there were many gods. That’s why the writers of the Bible emphasise over and over again that the true God is better than all the others.

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Comfortable Christian Living

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

My daughter Rebecca was in Uganda a few years ago. She was sharing the Gospel and providing midwifery services in rural communities. A man who was associated with Good News Unlimited, asked her why our ministry didn’t splash money around more liberally.

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Ban on Bible Sales in China to be Reinforced

By: Anne Rinaudo

China’s government last week issued a ban on internet sales of the Bible. Beijing also issued its first white paper on religious freedom in 21 years. There is a long-standing rule that the Bible cannot be sold publicly or on the internet in China but oversight of this rule has been allowed to slide over the years.

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Communicating to Teens That Sex Is a Sacred Affair

By: Michael Ross

“I’m a Christian, but I don’t understand why the church creates so many rules for sex,” 17-year-old Alex says. “Where in the Bible does it say it’s off-limits for singles? And what if I don’t ever want to get married? Does this mean I’ll have to remain celibate?”

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The Words That Make God Gag

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

The Bible tells us that there are some words that make God gag. You know what gagging is, right? It’s also called “retching.” It’s that awful, violent feeling just before you throw up. This isn’t something nice to even write about!

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The Original Christian Feminists

By: Tania Harris

Growing up, ‘feminism’ was a dirty word. It was what those aggressive, angry, bra-burners with their pant suits and cropped hair did to mess up the social order. They were out to get us – the church – who knew how to do male-female relationships, who knew what it was to be a true woman.

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