By: Mike Crooks
In the lead up to World Kindness Day, online retailer Black Pepper is seeking the “kindest person” in Australia.
By: Mike Crooks
In the lead up to World Kindness Day, online retailer Black Pepper is seeking the “kindest person” in Australia.
By: Helping Hands
In the modern world of ‘you do you’ have we lost the ability to be selfless?
When I was a teenager, together with a large number of young people from our church, I went on a long road trip up the coast of NSW and into Queensland in Australia.
Every few days the news readers tell us another story (or five) that reminds us how terribly badly some people in our society treat others. (I’ve stopped watching the news, but that’s another story entirely.)
By: Clare Bruce
When Toni Powell first heard that 50 innocent people had been killed in a violent act of terror in Christchurch, she was – like most Aussies and Kiwis – devastated.
It’s a regular dilemma for us: should we forgive or should we judge? But the Bible incredibly tells us that mercy always trumps judgment:
By: Kim Wilkinson
We are living in a world where tragic events fill our TV screens, relationships are breaking down, and patience is in short supply. What we could all use is a little kindness right about now.