By: Mark McCrindle
The health of an organisation’s culture influences and determines the health of the organisation.
By: Mark McCrindle
The health of an organisation’s culture influences and determines the health of the organisation.
By: Michael McQueen
Oliver Wendell Holmes famously observed that “It’s a rare person who wants to hear what they don’t want to hear.”
In life, if you don’t choose your leader, you’re going to be led. But Jesus will never force his leadership onto you. You have to choose him.
By: Mark McCrindle
In today’s competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent has become a critical challenge for organisations.
By: Michael McQueen
As we begin a new year, many of us will naturally turn our attention to what the coming 12 months hold.
By: Michael McQueen
More than any other time of history, we have trust issues. As our era has seen so many of the institutions that once stood as societal backbones crumble beneath scandals, lies and alternative facts, the value of trustworthiness has skyrocketed in its scarcity.
By: McCrindle
In 2020, we wrote a book called Work Wellbeing: Leading thriving teams in rapidly changing times. This book was written to help people understand the important role work plays in our life, and how it can be a contributor to, rather than a detractor from our overall wellbeing
Here’s a quick quiz for you.
Think about the children you raise, the students you teach, or the employees you oversee. If you want them to be motivated and have the BEST attitude towards whatever you’re asking them to do, what matters most?
I don’t like to deal with absolutes… always, never, everything, nothing. After all, I’m a research scientist. For people like me, I prefer statements like “it depends”. I try to avoid being too certain.
By: Stephen McAlpine
Paul is not a painting we look at and wish we could be like; rather he is a window to the awesome rescuing grace of the Redeemer. Leader pride produces personality cults, while leader humility stimulates worship of God.