By: Ben McEachen
A few seconds online reveals how hard it is to discuss different opinions.
By: Ben McEachen
A few seconds online reveals how hard it is to discuss different opinions.
There are plenty of movies about time travel where the hero has to go back into the past to fix the present. Don’t you wish you could do that? I think we’ve all wished that.
By: yesHeis
I recently sat and watched the sunset over the roofline of my neighbourhood, the repeated brick and mortar jungle I live within.
By: Stephen McAlpine
I got home from church last night and my neighbour diagonally opposite, Kath, was out in her garden. It was a mild evening, sun not fully set, so I wandered over for a chat.
By: Neri Morris
This year began like many others. A review of the year that was and a look to what kind of year I wanted it to be. Coming into this year I realised within myself there was a sense of discontent with church.
By: Matt Bogaards
You know the feeling; the shiver that runs down your spine and morphs into a jarring shockwave that is sent into every fibre of your being. You’re triggered.
By: Sabrina Peters
Have you ever found yourself dissatisfied with your own life after looking at the person’s next to you?
By: Susan Sohn
A number of years ago my parents made the big decision to move from our farm and family home into our small, very quaint town. As many of you know, a move like this is huge.
When we take an honest look at the life of our Lord Jesus, what do we see? Do we see a detached, impersonal Messiah who opposed being seen with sinners and tax collectors?