For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16, KJV)
self worth
Know Your Name – Or, Learn to Accept Who You Are
By: Brian Harris
A few weeks back I alerted you to my ‘proverbs project ‘– spring boarding from the thirty sayings that start in Proverbs 22:20.
An Epidemic of Image and Appearance Insecurities: 6 Tips
By: Jennifer Chu
In today’s image-obsessed society, the constant flood of flawless, airbrushed celebrity images sets unattainable beauty standards, leaving many people feeling insecure and dissatisfied with their appearance.
Here’s Why You’re Qualified To Do Great Things
We live in a world where you are limited by your qualifications. That’s one of the reasons why your parents probably told you to finish school.
What Are You Worth?
By: Danni Synot
I don’t know about you, but I love a good milkshake. Anything from plain vanilla, strawberry or chocolate, to a berry milkshake with all the lashings of cream, ice cream, and butterscotch brittle.
The Words We Receive
By: Susan Browning
There’s a dialogue in my mind, a culmination of words I’ve heard over the years said about me, spoken to me and the conversation I have with myself. The minor declarations in the hurt of a moment when repeated create the pathway to edify our inability and lack of self worth.
What a Little Girl Named Phoebe Can Tell Us About Ourselves
By: Sheridan Voysey
Call me a slow learner, but it’s only recently that I’ve come to realise what a miracle conception is. One sperm out of millions meets one egg out of thousands to produce us. And before that, our parents. And before that, their parents.
Get Your Praise From God
People are like mirrors. We look at them and think that we see ourselves in what we see reflected back. If we see things like forgiveness and love, then we believe ourselves to be worthy of forgiveness and love. If, on the other hand, we see unforgiveness and rejection, then we believe ourselves to be unforgivable and unacceptable.
Not Good Enough?
By: Leigh Ockey
Hermann and Pauline lived in the German town of Ulm where they ran a small enterprise that produced featherbeds.