By: Sheridan Voysey
Whatever country you live in, our great challenge these recent years has been how to stay friends with people who think or vote differently to us.
By: Sheridan Voysey
Whatever country you live in, our great challenge these recent years has been how to stay friends with people who think or vote differently to us.
By: Laura Bennett
What is your hidden pain? Whether you’re worried about something, carrying an unseen health diagnosis or grieving past loss, so much can be beneath the surface of our lives that others are completely unaware of.
By: Sheridan Voysey
One of my favourite Christmas artworks is a painting called The Nativity by contemporary artist Brian Kershisnick.
By: Sheridan Voysey
If the pandemic has been good for anything, it’s been good for my local park. During the first lockdown, kids made a line of hand-painted rocks that snaked for yards and yards. Fairy houses with tiny doors, windows and picket fences appeared at the base of tree trunks, and recently a community library was set up. Thanks to the ingenuity of locals, the park has never been so alive!
By: Sheridan Voysey
After Oprah’s interview with Harry and Meghan a couple of weeks ago, public discussion has been polarised.
By: Sheridan Voysey
I write this with a heavy heart, as heavy as yours may already be from the revelations of Ravi Zacharias’ hidden life. If you hadn’t heard of him, Zacharias was considered one of this era’s greatest Christian apologists. If you haven’t heard the news, an independent investigation found he had systematically groomed vulnerable women over many years, plying them with attention and gifts, obligating them to return sexual favours, threatening them should they ever tell.
By: Sheridan Voysey
How can we cultivate, care for, tend our soul right now to stay, well, sane? Here are six strategies I’m trying to implement with links to explore some related practices.
By: Sheridan Voysey
Stop. Breathe. Interrupt the rush. There is deep meaning to be found in our everyday lives, but we won’t find it if we don’t pause to reflect, listening for the Voice that can only be heard in stillness.
By: Sheridan Voysey
In his famous poem The Four Quartets, TS Elliott says “We had the experience, but missed the meaning.” How true!