By: Stephen McAlpine
I was walking down George Street in Sydney today when I saw it – this wonderful sign of the modern times that we live in.
By: Stephen McAlpine
I was walking down George Street in Sydney today when I saw it – this wonderful sign of the modern times that we live in.
By: Stephen McAlpine
On the surface it seems astounding: Australian young people are among the worst affected by the mental health crisis that is reverberating around the globe since the COVID pandemic hit.
By: Stephen McAlpine
When my son was learning to ride a skateboard we would go down the skate park for what seemed like endless hours, and he would stand at the top of the ramp and try to ‘drop in’.
By: Stephen McAlpine
I saw this sign on the back of a New Zealand bus (above) and was struck by both the brilliant marketing, as well as the desire for a sense of community that we now simply assume has been lost.
By: Stephen McAlpine
Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. (Heb 2:14-15)
By: Stephen McAlpine
Moving between Australia and the UK several times in my youth (the 1980s) showed me one thing: Australia was always a couple of years behind the UK and Europe.
By: Stephen McAlpine
2024 would be a good time for “thought leaders” to stop bagging out everyday Christians (if that is even a term).
By: Stephen McAlpine
If you haven’t seen the Youtube video of enfant terrible/comedian/possible sexual predator (choose your poison) Russell Brand declaring that he’s getting seriously interested in Christianity – nay, seriously interested in Christ himself – then stop everything and watch it now.
By: Stephen McAlpine
You have to laugh at that graphic, right? But for so many people, and I don’t just mean Christians, this is the reality of the decision to lean into a new year and be a “new you”.