By: Joni Boyd
Do you have a location sharing app on your phone?
By: Michael McQueen
The residential real estate landscape in Australia is poised for significant shifts over the next five years.
By: Mark McCrindle
While it may not feel like it sometimes, the future is not an inevitable destination, but something that is shaped by trends – and these can be influenced if understood and responded to.
By: Mark McCrindle
The year 2023 saw an array of trends and events occur. From social trends to consumer shifts and developments in technology, we take a look at some of the trends that shaped the year and how Australians responded.
By: Michael McQueen
Years ago, social media well and truly lived up to its name. Platforms which enabled the easy exchange of photos and statuses, these media allowed individual engagement for purely social purposes. The last decade has seen social media evolve into something much more overwhelming, addictive and ultimately lucrative than their original ‘social’ role, especially as their most native users have grown up into their most powerful and profitable consumers.
By: Michael McQueen
We have always known that the future of our work will look dramatically different from the present. What we did not know is that the global pandemic would pave much of the groundwork for this future’s arrival.
By: Michael McQueen
With the UN predicting that 68 percent of the world’s people will live in urban areas by 2050,[1] it is essential that spaces we are living in are viable and sustainable for years to come. The cities we are familiar with, complete with collections of grey buildings, tangled roads and traffic, are set to change and the plans for these changes are already being implemented.
By: Michael McQueen
With vaccines emerging and a new year ushering in a renewed demand for some kind of back-to-normal routine, society’s return to work is front of mind for many professionals. However, having adjusted effectively to remote work, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment. Many businesses, leaders and workers are questioning whether returning to work is a viable decision and are rethinking how our new work life could look.
By: McCrindle
2020 was a year unlike any other. Our year in review showed the vast changes and important social, political, global and cultural events that took place. As we look ahead to 2021, it’s important for leaders to have foresight, and to be able to see things not just as they are, but as they will be. So, what can we expect to see and change in the year ahead?