By: Laura Bennett
What To Do When Your Child Lies To You
You enter the kitchen. Your child looks at you like she’s hiding something. You see cake crumbs on the counter and the tips of her fingers.
Look for the Lie
By: Jennie Scott
I wish I could remember where I first heard it, this truth that’s been rocking my world.
I don’t know if it was on a podcast or in a book, on my TV or from my friend’s mouth. All I know is that I somehow jotted it down as a note in my phone, and I’ve been looking at it ever since.
3 Lies I Believed About Being a Christian
By: Sabrina Peters
I’ve been a Christian since I can remember, but I didn’t always understand what that truly meant. I actually thought being a Christian was more about me than it was about Christ. Sounds a bit silly but honestly a lot of people do.