Act Justly and Love Mercy

By: yesHEis

God has shown us over and over through the scriptures and the person of Jesus that he cares deeply about each individual, especially those who are overlooked or mistreated.

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Wear Hope-Coloured Glasses

By: yesHEis

It’s easy to become distracted and forget that people matter most. They matter more than our busy lives and more than our goals and our dreams. While we exist for God’s pleasure, we experience purpose by caring and loving others. The question is, how do we keep people as the priority amidst so many distractions?

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The History of Revival

By: yesHeis

What does it mean to make history? Nelson Mandela, Michael Jordan, Pelé, Mother Teresa, and Albert Einstein are all names which are instantly recognisable to many of us.

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Fear Not

By: yesheis

In a relationship with Jesus we can have many life-changing experiences, but there are voices and opinions that say it’s not cool to talk about it. Whether something is said or merely implied, many Christians end up feeling afraid to tell people about Jesus and stop sharing altogether.

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4 Ways To Host a Group Video Call

By: yesHEis

There are so many tools available to stay connected and continue community, so here are just 4 ways to host a group video call. This type of experience may feel strange at first but we can choose to lean into the unfamiliar and trust that God can do something powerful as we gather together to encourage one another and invest in relationship.

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Spread the Gospel, Not COVID-19

By: yesHeis

By now everyone should be aware of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Whilst the immediate concerns are real and require wisdom, prayer and action by individuals, governments and organisations; I’m left thinking about the long term impact on society as a whole.

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You Have Been Set Free

By: yesHeis

Freedom. Everyone is obsessed with it. We hear it sung in the music we listen to, we see it featured in movies and marketers sell us the idea of freedom to get us to buy products.

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