By: Yvette Cherry
In my 20s and 30s, I was a highly ambitious person.
By: Yvette Cherry
As a devout 12-year-old Christian, I remember thinking the Vicar of Dibley was a woman in sin. How could a woman be clergy? I used to change the channel as soon as the show came on, rolling my eyes at the sacrilege being acted out.
By: Yvette Cherry
In the busy life of the bee world, the Queen Bee reigns supreme. Nurtured in her role as the provider of life, she is the only queen in a colony of honey bees that may number 60,000 or more. The Queen Bee is the largest bee in the colony and the only one capable of stinging multiple times and surviving.
By: Yvette Cherry
Here’s a list of novels I’ve enjoyed over the years. Not all of them are new, but they’re all compelling reads. This list is in random order.
By: Yvette Cherry
Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbour, for we are all members of one body. “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. Ephesians 4:25- 27
By: Yvette Cherry
When I was ten years old my family took off travelling around Australia, towing a big old caravan. We often stayed roadside and that was my favourite, but we also stayed in so many caravan parks that I considered myself an expert in the field of Tourist Villages and a town planner of sorts.
By: Yvette Cherry
I met Jesus once. Well actually, just his shoes and his legs up to about the knee. But it was Him. He didn’t need me to see the whole of him for me to know.
By: Yvette Cherry
The parents of Dolly Everett, a 14 year old girl who took her own life after being relentlessly bullied, have created a very powerful and evocative advertisement to address the issue of cyber bullying.
By: Yvette Cherry
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it.