Have We Moved on From Movie-Going?

By: Michael McQueen

When the world was in deep lockdown last year, a major trend that dominated social media surrounded people’s memories of ‘normal’ life. Clips of life before lockdown boasted scenes of exotic travel locations, shots of passports in hand, bustling crowds, concerts, festivals and interestingly, cinemas.

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Australia, A Global Leader in Unity

By: McCrindle

Although 2020 presented unforeseen challenges, it saw Australians come together to show the mateship we are known for.  In this ‘lucky country’, three in five Australians (59%) believe that over the next three years, Australia will become more united.

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Carrot Muffins

By: Susan Joy

These nut-free, coconut flour carrot muffins are not only the perfect healthy lunchbox treat but are also delicious for breakfast. The muffins have a lovely soft texture.

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Queen Bee Leadership

By: Yvette Cherry

In the busy life of the bee world, the Queen Bee reigns supreme. Nurtured in her role as the provider of life, she is the only queen in a colony of honey bees that may number 60,000 or more. The Queen Bee is the largest bee in the colony and the only one capable of stinging multiple times and surviving.

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Perhaps Australia is the Lucky Country After All

By: McCrindle

Despite the challenges presented in 2020, 85% of Australians say that they are happy when they think about their life overall. Two in five Australians (41%) believe they are happier than the average Australian, with a further 40% believing they are equally as happy as the average Australian.

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