The Prison of Offence

By: Sabrina Peters

Have you ever been hurt? Like someone you really loved let you down and broke your trust? Maybe your best friend called you names behind your back? Or your mum made you feel like you weren’t good enough?

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An Interview with 10 Virgins

By: Sabrina Peters

“No one stays a virgin until they get married!” That is what most people think. Holding onto the big V is kind of ridiculous in our sexually saturated culture. Well I take time out with 10 “Virgins” and ask them WHY they decided to guard the carnal treasure. Their answers will shock you.

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How Far is Too Far?

By: Sabrina Peters

How far is too far? That’s the number one question on the minds of Christian teenagers all over the planet. They want to know what they can touch, taste, and caress (pre-marriage) before God gets mad at them or they end up feeling guilty.

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