By: Andrew Laird
Ah, the long summer break, lazy afternoons by the pool or at the beach.
By: Stephen McAlpine
You have to laugh at that graphic, right? But for so many people, and I don’t just mean Christians, this is the reality of the decision to lean into a new year and be a “new you”.
All around me, people are setting intentions for the new year, making resolutions, creating change, and re-evaluating their lives.
By: Brian Harris
There’s no doubt about it, burnout is a real problem, and large numbers of people have pulled back from aspirational careers, putting new boundaries in place, and taking clear and tangible steps to make sure they never land up in the same place of over stretch and exhaustion again.
By: Michael McQueen
As we begin a new year, many of us will naturally turn our attention to what the coming 12 months hold.
By: Katelyn Tasker
Do you find it hard to set goals? Or, when you do set goals, do you find it hard to keep them?
By: Jennifer Chu
The end of the can be a rather stressful time of the year because of holiday planning and organisation.
By: Valerie Ling
At 7:30pm I was flopped on the bed – spent. My husband walked in and wondered if I was alright?
By: Sheridan Voysey
A new year. A new decade. We have crossed a threshold, begun a new story, bidding the old farewell to make way for the new. What are you looking forward to?