The Hidden Hero in the Book of Esther

By: Sabrina Peters

In the biblical tale of Esther, Queen Esther rightfully takes center stage as a symbol of courage and faith.

But behind her, in the shadows, stands an unsung hero whose influence proved instrumental in shaping Esther’s destiny and ultimately saving her people: Mordecai, her cousin and guardian.

Mordecai: Protector and Mentor

Mordecai’s pivotal role in Esther’s life began long before she ascended to the throne. Following the tragic loss of her parents, Mordecai assumed the responsibility of raising Esther as his own daughter. This act of love and care laid the foundation for their unbreakable bond.

Esther 2:7 reveals that Mordecai “had raised her.” His guidance and moral teachings molded Esther’s character, instilling in her values of faith, humility, and courage. These virtues would later empower her to face the daunting challenges ahead.

Mordecai’s Unwavering Loyalty and Courage

Even as Esther entered the royal court, Mordecai’s loyalty to her remained steadfast. He continued to watch over her, deeply concerned for her safety. When Mordecai discovered a plot to assassinate the king, he promptly alerted Esther. She, in turn, informed the king, saving his life.

Mordecai’s courage in confronting evil and his unwavering commitment to protecting Esther and the king showcased his dedication to his people and his unwavering faith. His actions were a testament to his integrity and moral character.

Mordecai’s Wise Counsel

One of Mordecai’s defining moments came when he encouraged Esther to disclose her Jewish heritage to the king and intercede for her people. In Esther 4:14 (NIV), he famously said, “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

Mordecai’s wisdom in recognising Esther’s unique role and purpose served as the catalyst for her courageous actions. His guidance empowered her to risk her life by approaching the king with her plea, ultimately leading to the salvation of the Jewish people.

6 Ways to Be Someone’s Mordecai

While Mordecai’s story is both inspirational and heroic, it also inspires us to consider how we can be a Mordecai in someone’s life.

1. Investing in Relationships

Being a Mordecai begins with investing in meaningful relationships. Just as Mordecai took responsibility for Esther’s upbringing, we can choose to support and guide those around us. Whether it’s a family member, friend, colleague, or mentee, showing genuine care and concern for their well-being can make a significant difference.

2. Providing Guidance and Wisdom

Mordecai’s wisdom and guidance were instrumental in Esther’s life. Similarly, we can offer our insights, advice, and encouragement to those who seek it. Our experiences and knowledge can serve as valuable resources for others as they navigate life’s challenges.

3. Being a Protector

Mordecai’s loyalty and vigilance protected Esther from harm. We can be a source of protection for those in our care. This may involve standing up against injustice, offering a safe space to confide in, or simply being there in times of need.

4. Recognising Potential

One of Mordecai’s most crucial roles was recognizing Esther’s potential and purpose. We can be a Mordecai by helping others discover their unique gifts, talents, and callings. Encouraging them to step into their God-given destiny can be a life-changing gift.

5. Encouraging Courage

Mordecai’s words inspired Esther to take a bold stand. Encouraging courage in others is a vital aspect of being a Mordecai. By instilling confidence, faith, and determination, we can empower those we mentor to face challenges with resilience and bravery.

6. Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Mordecai’s influence extended beyond his lifetime, impacting generations to come. Being a Mordecai means leaving a lasting legacy of faith, integrity, and love. The positive influence we have on others can continue to shape their lives and the lives of those they, in turn, inspire.

Becoming a Mordecai in someone’s life is not limited to a specific role or relationship. It’s about extending love, guidance, and support to those who need it, recognizing the potential within them, and encouraging them to fulfill their purpose. In doing so, we honor Mordecai’s legacy and play a vital role in shaping the destinies of those around us. As we embrace the Mordecai role, we participate in a beautiful cycle of mentorship, empowerment, and transformation that can impact lives for generations to come.

About the Author: Sabrina is a writer, pastor and relationships blogger.

Article supplied with thanks to Sabrina Peters.

Feature image: Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash